2014年會/The Alternative Chinese Dream

The Alternative Chinese Dream

The Alternative Chinese Dream

The Shared Core Teachingsfrom Management & History

An important management book:  “Built to Last” (1994), by James Collins  and  Jerry Porras, studies 18 (hundred-year old) “visionary” companies: like GE、HP、SONY、WAL-MART、WALT DISNEY、IBM、NORDSTROM ..and concluded two shared values: core competence and adaptation.

Another history book: “Three Golden Ages”(1998 ), by Alf Mapp, Jr., analyzed three golden ages of the western history: Italian Renaissance, British Empire under Queen Elizabeth and American Revolution, then came up with basically the same values: tradition preservation and change with the environment.

The same teachings should apply in the future: integrate Confucianism /Taoism/Buddhism with Democracy/Science/Spirituality.




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